Cookie Journal with Seidy: Manage Your Expectations

Cookie Journal with Seidy: Manage Your Expectations

Recently, I’ve been working on managing my expectations—thanks to my friend Laura, who kindly pointed out that I needed to. Specifically, I’ve been reevaluating the outcomes and results I anticipate from running my own business.

If you’ve ever romanticized being your own boss, let me be the first to tell you: just like the song says, “Every rose has its thorn.” Owning a business, especially when you’re the one responsible for everything, comes with its fair share of challenges.

It’s one thing to do what you love and believe everything will work out by sheer passion and persistence. But it’s another thing entirely to show up every day—regardless of whether the results are in your favor. Some days, gaining new clients feels like running through knee-deep honey. And despite how many hours I put in, I’m still not a well-known bakery yet.

The mind loves to fantasize, which is great—without imagination, we wouldn’t have dreams or goals to chase. If you’re an A-type personality like me, you probably visualize every step from A to B, planning out each move meticulously. But business is full of variables. My engineering background should’ve taught me that one small shift can change an entire outcome. And yet, I still have to remind myself to manage my expectations.

You can’t expect overnight success or perfection. Logically, you and I both know this—and I bet it is still frustrating when things don’t go as planned. The key is not to run away every time something doesn’t work out. There’s no one-size-fits-all handbook for entrepreneurship. There are books, mentors, and guides, but there’s no blueprint that accounts for your unique business, personality, and circumstances.

Expectations vs. Reality is often the gap where many people quit. In our minds, the journey seems smooth—like a bike ride on a flat street. But in reality? It’s a steep hill. And if you sit at the bottom, discouraged before you even try, that’s the perfect recipe for failure.

This year, focus on your own journey instead of comparing yourself to competitors or stressing over what bigger brands are doing. Get inspired by them, but remember that your path will have its own ups and downs. As long as you're making progress—even if it’s slow—keep putting in the work.

The key takeaway? Set expectations that align with your level of effort. Are you truly doing everything necessary to achieve the results you want? If not, it’s time to either adjust your expectations or increase your efforts. And if things get tough? It’s okay to cry, vent, recalibrate, and keep going. But don’t stop. Progress—even slow progress—is still progress.

Follow our journey at Crème Bakery or reach out on social media at I would love to hear about your experiences, too!

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